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The WVU Center for Community Engagement (CCE) provides one-on-one or departmental course support in developing your Service-Learning course. With extensive knowledge of our community and of academic learning outcomes, the CCE can help you tailor your course to meet both the needs of the community and the needs of your students through meaningful experiential learning opportunities.

View all service-learning courses here.

To schedule a consultation or to apply for a service designation for your community engaged course, contact the Academic Community Engagement Coordinator at 304-293-8761 or If you are ready to request assistance with a specific course complete this request form. WVU service and service learning class syllabi are reviewed by the Faculty Advisory Committee before receiving the S-designation.

Course Tools Available through the CCE

Service-Learning Teaching Assistant

SLTAs are students who have already taken a service-learning course and have been nominated by a faculty member who would like to work with them. These students earn credit while assisting you with your service-learning course.

Community Partners

We have official partnerships with over 200 community organizations as well as a wide range of campus programs through our campus and community partner program. We work continuously to expand and strengthen this program. Learn more about our Community and


WVU's primary volunteer management tool. Faculty, staff, students, and community organizations all utilize the software to stay engaged and find opportunities within the community.