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Volume 5, Issue 8, Nov. 2, 2023



Blue and Yellow logo: West Virginia University Center for Community Engagement


Volume 5, Issue 8

November 2, 2023
The WVU Center for Community Engagement (CCE) aims to leverage university knowledge and resources to support effective partnerships with communities that enhance discovery through community-engaged teaching, scholarship, and action. The Center supports faculty, staff, and students in working with external partners to meet reciprocal and mutually beneficial needs and advance WVU’s land grant mission.
Monthy Achievements; The notable achievements of our community engaged scholars for the month of October. 106 organizations served, 221 needs met, 1024 volunteers. 9809 total hours served. WVU Center for Community Engagement and iServe. The background of this image is WVU official gold and blue.
   /Service & Learning Spotlight 
Community Nutrition Class & Pantry Plus More
with WVU student, Allyson Brothers
 An image of a woman smiling at the camera while stocking food at a food pantry. Included is the following text: "My time volunteering at Pantry Plus More has definitely strengthened my knowledge of food insecurity issues in my community. Allyson Brothers HN&F 472 Community Nutrition. Human Nutrition and Foods: Davis College.
Dr. Cindy Fitch, engages students in experiential learning through community nutrition projects for individuals and families in all stages of life. At Pantry Plus More, students in HN&F 472: Community Nutrition* explore the effects of childhood food insecurity in West Virginia while serving their local community.

Allyson Brothers, a Human Nutrition and Foods major, has forged an insightful connection between her service project and the lasting impact Pantry Plus More has instilled in her understanding of food insecurity in the Morgantown area. 

"My time volunteering at Pantry Plus More has definitely strengthened my knowledge of food insecurity issues in my community. I’ve volunteered there periodically for about a year now and it has made me even more appreciative of the hard work and dedication the volunteer workers at Pantry Plus have.

Since Pantry Plus is completely run by volunteers, it’s important to acknowledge how large the organization has grown and the impact it has made purely from the strength and compassion of community members dedicating their time to preventing hunger."

- Allyson Brothers, Human Nutrition and Foods major, Davis College

*HN&F 472: Community Nutrition is designated as a WVU service course.

   /Grants, RFPs, Conferences, and More!
ACE Series Curated Opportunities Now Online
An announcement for ACE Website Updates. A laptop and iPhone displaying the new website are included. The background is gold and blue.
View opportunities on the CCE webpage:
Six students stand around a wooden desk in the library while discussing a class project.
Are you planning to facilitate a
Service Learning class this spring?

Fill out this form:

If you are teaching a community engaged course and would like assistance from the Center for Community Engagement, complete the interest form as soon as possible.

This form lets us know about your needs for partnerships, iServe user groups, class visits, contracts and/or evaluations.

   /WVU Opportunities

Lifecycle of the Rainbow Trout Exhibit
Friday, Nov. 3rd and Saturday, Nov. 4th, 2023
Mountainlair Greenbriar Room 

First-grade students from Mountainview Elementary School created five quilts to depict what they learned while participating in Trout Unlimited's nationally recognized, science-based Trout in the Classroom program. WVU students in Jennifer Ripley Stueckle’s general biology classes assisted the elementary students in raising their own rainbow trout which they released in May.

Locating Journals to Publish Educational Topics
Thursday, November 9, 2023 l 3:30 PM-4:30 PM
Join WVU Libraries as they explore journal rankings in Web of Science and publishing opportunities in open-access journals. 

A.C.E. Session: Introduction to University-Community Matchmaking
Thursday, November 9, 2023 | 9:00 - 9:50 A.M.

The Center for Community Engagement connects community-identified needs and aspirations to the knowledge, skills, and expertise with Mountaineers. Matched partnerships can be part of a course, research project, co-curricular student initiative, specialized program, or general volunteering through iServe. By providing intentional support to students, faculty, and community partners, we connect people in meaningful and empowering ways to improve the lives and livelihoods of West Virginians.  This session's speaker is Whitney Glotfelty, the Community Partner Coordinator.

A.C.E. Session: Community Engagement & Economic Development
Monday, November 13, 2024 | 9:30 - 10:20 A.M.

Join our panelists as they share their perspectives on how universities catalyze societal change, partnering with a diverse array of stakeholders to imagine and realize a shared vision for thriving communities and regional prosperity, These campus-community collaborations shape healthier communities, empower citizens, and foster economic growth. Through this discussion, we will also explore how to effectively gauge and articulate the social and economic impacts of different organizations, initiatives, and technologies.


   /Academic Community Engagement Consultations
The Center for Community Engagement (CCE) works with faculty, instructors, staff, and graduate students within all disciplines to design or refine community engaged courses, programs, and reasearch.  The CCE is a resource hub; we aim to support your efforts in shaping impactful experiences for your students and partners.   

You're invited to schedule a conversation with the Academic Community Engagement team.
   /AmeriCorps Member Spotlight 
Meet Kylie Young, WVU Faith Community Nursing VISTA!
AmeriCorps Spotlight for Kylie Young, WVU Health Sciences AmeriCorps VISTA for Community Faith Based Nursing. The following quote is included "I am working with WVU Health Sciences to imporve access to healthcare in rural West Virgina." A blue topography background with a gold icon of WV state is included. Kylie young's headshot is also highlighted in the image.
AmeriCorps VISTA, Kylie Young, is promoting healthcare reform initiatives through faith community nursing programs in West Virginia. Intentional care of the spirit as part of promoting holistic health and minimizing illness is the main focus of this program.  

Where are you from? Point Marion, PA

What is the Overview of your role? 
I am working with WVU Health Sciences to improve access to healthcare in rural West Virginia. Specifically, I’m supporting the WVU School of Nursing to train WV nurses on how to work within faith communities across the state to improve access to nurse-led care in rural areas. The 3-year goal of the project is to expand the number of nurses and WV counties that we are working with and to find community partners that will help with funding for sustainability.

Why did you join AmeriCorps?
I heard about this position from my current supervisor and loved the project she was working on. I want to help raise awareness of this current project.

What has been your favorite activity or accomplishment since starting your service? 
So far, I’ve written and published stories highlighting the work the nurses in this project are doing. I have also worked with the new nurses in the training and onboarding process for this project.

Click here to learn more about the Faith Community Nursing initiative at WVU School or Nursing.

AmeriCorps West Virginia logo, blue and white
AmeriCorps VISTAs assist with building capacity and supporting the mission of host sites.  AmeriCorps VISTA members use their skills to develop, enhance, and sustain engagement programs.

VISTA members are awarded to West Virginia University, WVU Beckley, WVU Keyser, and Extension Service departments, colleges, and programs, including non-academic departments and programs.

Go to the
Center for Community Engagement - AmeriCorps website to learn more about open positions or to become a host site.
/iServe Support

WVU Faculty, staff, students, and community partners may schedule a 1:1 iServe consultation for personalized support with navigating the special features of WVU's volunteer management system.  Book your appointment by emailing 
/Community Outreach and Resources

Strong community partnerships take time to develop. Jumpstart your Community Engaged course or project by contacting the Center for Community Engagement today!
We gathered some innovative external opportunities to inform and support your community engagement work, and to share your perspective on important topics.
   /Curated Reading
This action guide from the Democracy Collaborative addresses ways in which Higher Education can create more vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable local and regional communities. 

Service-Learning Toolkit: A Guide for Faculty and Instructors

Developed by Michigan State University
This toolkit overviews various service-learning and community engagement resources for instructors. Included are best practices for reflection and discussion components. 
Message from West Virginia Early Childhood AdvocatesIs Affordable, Accessible, High-Quality Childcare Important to You?
There is a multi-state forum being hosted by a Harrison County Childcare Center with the Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy on November 28th, and they would like to have an abundance of data to share during that forum. Learn more about some of the financial concerns shared by childcare centers.

Deadline: November 27: 
Take the survey. The survey is for any adult caring for youth in WV (parents, kinship, foster, etc). 
   /Grants and Awards
Coaching for Transformation Fellowship | West Virginia Community Development Hub
The Coaching for Transformation Fellowship is a nine-month experiential program where fellows gain the skills needed to engage in and lead impactful community-building efforts.  Anyone who wants to make a difference in West Virginia communities is welcome to apply.
Deadline: November 3, 2023

Dual Enrollment Research Fund Grant 
The intent is to seed high-quality research that continues to advance our understanding of the field and how dual enrollment practice and policy can continue to support student access and success in college and career. 
Deadline: December 3, 2023

Appalachian Community Fund | Technical Assistance Grant 
Designated to meet specific technical assistance needs of grassroots organizations working for social change in Appalachia, this program awards grants to help build organization capacity in key skills such as community organization and informational skills. 
Deadline: Rolling applications
   /Campus Compact Webinars
Nov. 2, 2023 | 2:00 - 3:00 P.M. EST
Nov. 9, 2023 | 3:00 - 5:00 P.M EST
Nov. 13, 2023 | 12:00 - 1:00 P.M. EST
Nov. 15, 2023 | 1:00 -2:00 P.M. EST
Dec. 8, 2023 | 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
Dec. 14, 2023 | 3:00 - 5:00 P.M. EST
   /Events, Workshops, and Conferences
Supporting Kinship Caregivers | REACH Webinar | WVU Extension
Passcode: g#^E6ar1
This webinar discusses the relationships and support methods for grandparents raising their grandchildren in rural Appalachia. Public health disparages, such as the opioid epidemic, are regionally connected to this growing event. Nearly half of all grandparents in West Virginia raise their grandchildren. 

After completing this webinar, please complete the evaluation at the end, using the QR code on the last slide. 
Contact Gina Taylor, EdD,
at for more information on this grant project. 

Re-grounding our Response: West Virginia Initiative Fall Virtual Series| West Virginia Rural Health Association

This training network will be able to raise awareness about public health approaches to the opioid overdose crisis and provide a framework for community action to reduce overdose deaths. This crisis affects our communities in so many ways and effective solutions require partnerships and collaborations from many stakeholders. 
Registration ends: November 6th, 2023, register here: RORWV Fall Series 2023 (

NSF Fall 2023 Virtual Grants Conference
Join the National Science Foundation (NSF) to learn about up-to-date information about policies and procedures, and specific funding opportunities and answer attendance questions.
November 8, at 12 PM ET | Zoom

Stepping into the Work: Expanding Understanding of Global Positionality, Responsibility, and Opportunity
hosted by the Collaborative Institute at Haverford College
November 9 - 11, 2023

ARIS Carnegie Classification for Community Engagement: A Discussion on Impact & Best Practices
This session will draw attention to the revisions in content and practices that the Electives Team has made to the Carnegie Elective Classification for Community Engagement 2026 application. The panel discussion will focus on the Carnegie Elective Classification for Community Engagement framework reflects ongoing transformative shifts within our institutions, and communities, and how we come together to address institutional and community-based problem-solving for the public good. 
November 29, 2023 | 12:00 to 1:30 PM Central Time

Federal Community Development Funding Training| WV Community Development Hub
The Hub, Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation, and federal partners will share knowledge on how to best secure and find federal funds and programs to match your needs at this free in-person training opportunity. This training is in preparation for a successful Spring 2024 federal funding cycle, and for successful management of current federal grants. 
November 30, 2023 | 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM EST

Community Engaged Learning in the Classroom: Rubrics, Reflections, and Resources
This session will discuss creative examples, strategies for grading, and best practices for leading students to reflect upon and make meaning of their community-engaged learning experiences.
Register by December 5, 2023 
December 6, 2023, from 1:00 - 2:30 PM
   /Requests For Proposals

ARIS 2024 Summit Proposals| Broadening Participation in Broader Impacts
The Center for Advancing Research Impact in Society is seeking proposals on broadening participation in broader impacts. Presentations that focus on the intersection of broader impacts and broadening participation; policy and practices that promote and support inclusion, diversity, and equity in broader impacts, institutions/organizations. 
Deadline: November 3, 2023

2024 PACE Conference | Call for Conference Proposals
Proposals for the Pathways to Achieving Civic Engagement (PACE) Conference is seeking proposals for sessions that will inform or advance the research and practice of community and civic engagement through research findings, innovative program design and partnership models, proven community/institutional impacts, effective curriculum or co-curricular models, institutional capacity building and institutionalization, or successful community engagement practices. 
Proposal deadline: November 17, 2023

2024 Living Knowledge Conference | Building and Sustaining Next-Generation Engagement
The 10th Living Knowledge Conference is looking for new minds and young researchers and practitioners working with community-based research, engaged research, and citizen science. This event favors interactions over one-way presentations. 
Proposal Deadline: December 23, 2023

View more opportunities on the CCE webpage:
Please share updates about your Academic Community Engaged efforts by emailing or by filling out this Qualtrics form:

The Center for Community Engagement team members are committed to:

  • Facilitating faculty and academic staff in integrating civic and community engagement experiences seamlessly into their coursework, research, and programs.
  • Empowering students to actively participate in positive change by providing opportunities for social action, leadership development, and meaningful engagement with civic and community initiatives.
  • Creating connections between community organizations and dedicated students, faculty, and staff who share a common goal of promoting positive social change
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