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Countdown to Key Dates


Frequently Asked Questions

Regardless of what state you live in, Vote.Org provides an easy-to-use tool that will tell you your registration status in 30 seconds! Follow this link to visit their site and check your status.

If registered, the tool will tell you the address of where you're registered. If you aren't, now's the time! The tool will direct you to next steps, or you can come back to this page and follow the link at the top.

Each state is responsible for its own election laws, and as such the requirements to register to vote vary depending on which state you are voting in. Please check with your state's Secretary of State's website to view all requirements, or use Vote.Org's tool to streamline that process. To vote in the state of West Virginia, you must be registered before the deadline and provide a valid ID at the time of voting (your student ID counts).

For most people, the answer is yes. You should vote where you live most of the time, and if that place is in Morgantown, you can update your voter registration to be able to vote in Morgantown/West Virginia. Note: You can only vote once in each election, so you can vote in your hometown or Morgantown, not both.

If you are a U.S. citizen and at least 18 years old, yes. Some states may have additional requirements, such as living in the county you're voting in for 30 days or having never been convicted of a felony. You can check Vote.Org's Voter Registration Rules to see if there are additional requirements in your state.

You can in West Virginia and 39 other states. If you live in one of the following states, you must physically change your registration either in-person or via mail:
  • Arkansas
  • Maine
  • Mississippi
  • Montana
  • New Hampshire
  • South Dakota
  • Texas
  • Wyoming

Only if you want to update it! This could be for changing where you vote or changing your party affiliation.

You should vote at the place that you consider your "residence". For some, this may be your school address*. For others, this may be your home address. For a handful, this may be the same address.

*If you live in a dorm and are a freshmen, consider how long you are living there. Will you be moving soon? Is it a temporary location? Vote at the most permanent residence.

Nope! While some information is public, such as what party you're affiliated with, if you vote, and how you voted are public, but what you put on the ballot is completely anonymous! Depending on how you vote, your ballot is either electronically submitted or placed into a ballot box with everyone else's. Either way, your name isn't attached to your vote and is private unless you wish to share with others.

Have a question that you don't see here? Ask us directly at

Our Commitment

Under section 487(a)(23) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, West Virginia University is required to “make a good faith effort to distribute a mail voter registration form, requested and received from the State, to each student enrolled in a degree or certificate program and physically in attendance at the institution, and to make such forms widely available to students at the institution.”

Going beyond this requirement, WVU is committed to ensuring that all students at our institution are not only registered to vote, but feel comfortable sharing their opinions, actively learn about and participate in elections, and are engaged in other avenues of civic engagement. Per the 2022 ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge's Presidential Commitment, we acknowledge:

  • the responsibility of higher education institutions to prepare students to be informated and active citizens;
  • the importance of the student voice in all elections (local, state, and presidential); and
  • the need for both curricular and cocurricular experiences to shape and support the development of college students into becoming lifelong voters and engaged community members.
Read the Full Commitment Here
Check Out Our Involvement with ALL IN

Get Involved With Our 2024 Action Plan
A seal from ALL IN Challenge that shows the President has signed on to civic commitment.

New or Updated Student Registrations:

Goal: 1,000

Housed under the Center for Community Engagement, the  WVU VOTES initiative is comprised of students, faculty, staff, and community members interested in strengthening civic engagement and voter access at WVU. With direction from the ALL IN Civic Action Plan, this group will* meet regularly and work with various departments throughout the university to ensure students are educated, registered, and turned out come election day.

Being actively created in the Fall of 2023, WVU VOTES is eager to hear from these stakeholders mentioned and encourages you to reach out to with questions, comments, and/or suggestions for the upcoming election year.