Showing 9 of 9 articles
Article Title | Category | Location Published | Year | Description |
Modernizing Scholarship for the Public Good: An Action Framework for Public Research Universities : Visit Website | Research Paper | Association of Public & Land-Grant Institutions | 2023 | APLU's Modernizing Scholarship for the Public Good Action Framework (2023) offers guidance to public research universities on the ways that they can support scholars to advance public impact research and community engagement. |
Vol. 34 No. 5 (2023): Developing and Sustaining Institutional Support for Community-Engaged Research : Visit Website | Academic Journal |
Metropolitan Universities
2023 | This anthology of research articles from Metropolitan Universities was created to further the discussion on the roles of higher education institutions in supporting community-engaged research. |
Anti-Racist Community Engagement: Reflecting on a Transformative Summer Series : Visit Website | Blog Post | Campus Compact | 2023 | A collection of articles detailing Campus Compact's summer series through thoughtful input on actively combatting racism and promoting equity through community engagement. |
Evaluation of Current Research-Policy Engagement Activities and Why They Are Failing : Visit Website | Research Paper |
Bristol University Press
2022 | A Team of UK and U.S. scientists look at research-policy engagement activities in the aim to improve the use of evidence in policy and practice. |
The Democracy Collaborative's Action Guide for Advancing Community Wealth Building in the U.S. : Visit Website | Guide | Democracy Collaborative | 2023 | This guide from Community Wealth Building is for those seeking to pursue and advance their locality, including economic development practitioners, community activists, and organizations. |
Service-Learning Toolkit | MSU Center for Service-Learning and Civic Engagement : Visit Website | Guide | Michigan State CCEL | 2015 | Explore service-learning resources curated for faculty and instructors by MSU Center for Service-Learning and Civic Engagement. |
Exploring the Possibilities of a Standardized Questionnaire for Assessing Residents' Needs : Visit Website | Research Paper | Journal of Extension | 2023 | Creating a standardized needs assessment instrument and methodology that can be shared across the Extension system can lead to increased capacity to identify the needs of our clientele. |
Inclusion and Trust in Community-Engaged Scholarship: A Case Study of a County Visioning Project : Visit Website | Research Paper |
Journal of Extension
2023 | Local governments have aimed to boost community participation in collaborative governance, including community visioning and strategic planning, to create inclusive policies. This article examines how trust plays a vital role in community building. |
University and Community Schools | Netter Center for Community Partnerships Journal : Visit Website | Journal Publication | Netter Center for Community Partnerships | 2023 | Universities and Community Schools are designed to help spark a worldwide informal movement that aims to overcome major community and social problems by developing place-based and innovative partnerships between universities and community partners. |
Reframing Community Engagement in Higher Education
: Visit Website |
Book Publication | Routledge Publications | 2023 | This book addresses assumptions and challenges inherent within community engagement as a catalyst for developing student's sense of civic responsibility at a time of social polarization. |
Surveying the Syllabus: What Syllabi Communicate about Service-Learning
at Four-Year Institutions
IJRSLCE, Vol. 11, Issue 1 (2023) |
Journal Publication |
2023 | Seeking to advance knowledge and understanding of service-learning, this
study analyzed how 270 syllabi from 193 four-year institutions that
were recipients of the Carnegie Elective Classification for Community
Engagement communicated framework and expectations in service-learning
Best Practices for Community Partner Compensations | Resource Toolkit | CEACR | 2022 | This toolkit details best practices for those in higher education to
support community-based organizations in building fiscal and administrative
knowledge, skills, and infrastructure.
Self-Reflection Rubric for Inclusive Teaching
: Visit Website |
SL Rubric |
2023 | This rubric shared by IARSLCE overviews the pedagogy for inclusive teaching in service-learning courses. It is intended to serve as a reflective formative function in one's self-assessment, not a summative one as part of any formal peer- or institutional review of an instructor's teaching. We hope it will help instructors reflect upon where their teaching is now, and where they might like it to be in the future. |
Defending Democracy; What We Can Learn about Civic Identity from Peer Educators Involved in Nonpartisan Political Engagement | Journal Publication
Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning | 2024 | The article centers a promising practice, peer-to-peer political engagement,
and makes a case for institutionalized support for student-led nonpartisan
education, and outreach.
The Lens of Civic Identity: A Developmental Model for Undergraduate Education | Journal Publication
Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning
This article provides a map as well as lessons learned to support other
colleges’ work to live into the call from
A Crucible Moment (2012) to make civic learning an integral
part of a college education.
The Landscape of Rural Service Learning, and What it Teaches Us All | Book Publication | MSU Press | 2017 | Learn how a team in Massachusetts developed a framework for civic
learning through a lens of racial equity and provided professional
development opportunities based on this framework. Civic learning for
a multiracial democracy cannot be done in a manner that fails
to embrace the cultural wealth and lived experiences of all students.